Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas Day Recap

Happy New Year!!

Christmas Day recap....I believe I'm a couple weeks late doing this!!

I'll recap on Christmas Eve as well. We went to the Christmas Eve service that afternoon. Beautiful service. Since I was born, we've always gone to my mom's parents house for Christmas Eve dinner and gift opening. We stopped opening gifts a few years back. We decided we were all old enough to not need gifts and just enjoy the family time. We had dinner then my Mom had gotten the girls some gifts, so this year we got to watch some gift opening again. The got each got a game. Adriauna got "Pop the Pig" and Taylor got "Headbands". Along with that they got quite a bit of stocking stuffer type things. My parents got Chris a toaster oven and toaster (yippie!!!), my dad got me a $300 gift certificate for Kays Jeweler's, and my mom got me some sterling silver jewelery and a watch, along with some clothes and tennis shoes. It was a great night as always.

Christmas day, we woke to the girls trying to surprise us. Our bedroom is "in a hole", there's a step that drops down into it, and the window that we have looks out into the breezeway, so add that with the fact that we have black curtains. It stays pretty much pitch black in our bedroom all day long. When the girls walked into the room, they couldn't tell that I was staring right at them the whole time. They were whispering to each other. About the time the thought came across for me to reach out and grab Adriauna, Chris yelled out "ahhhh!!!" and they both screamed and said "Why did you do that!? We were going to jump on you guys"! It was hilarious. Then we got dressed and came out to see what Santa brought them, they were super excited. Santa got them each a gold fish and each their own tank. Chris and I were somewhat iffy as to if the girls would like the fish idea or not. We were very blessed with everything else that the school helped us get for the girls (clothes, coats, boots, toys). I hope that next year we can afford to get the girls everything, there's just something about you being the one picking out everything for them, but we are so thankful that the girls go to such an amazing school.

This was by far one of the best Christmas' I've had.

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